早餐先是Cottage Cheese Delight開場。一直以來我都很好奇那種brunch的蛋dish是怎麼做的,剛好辦公室聖誕小聚會Carmen做了一道帶來給大家享用,腦筋一轉我就跟她要了一份recipe。Joe日前買了很棒的ham來,cheese, milk, flour, cottage cheese, egg, butter,再加上一些pepper和mushroom,這道菜比我想得簡單得多。十點多把楊氏夫婦邀來吃,結果竟然大受好評。
下午玩過Domino之後,我們就開始了烤雞大業。因為沒有找到trussing string 或是其他的棉線來源,我乾脆拿了縫衣線充數。先把bread pudding做起來,再處理兩隻烤雞,之後是蘑菇火腿濃湯。Joe在一旁忙著處理appertizer開胃菜,甜點蛋糕,還有烤馬鈴薯。
傍晚mimi和胡本現身。久遇故人的感覺讓人既激動又開心。整晚的吃喝和閒聊,大夥兒都玩得很開心。最感動的是事後胡本真誠的對我說,「Karen, you are really lucky! Joe is a really good man, especially after all those things, he still keeps trying so hard!」
Paul 和Becky也在事後對我說,他們對Joe又有了全心的了解。特別令他們印象深刻的是,Joe身為唯一的Caucasian在我們一群Asian中,仍是很自在有自信的當個男主人。對於吃席中大家討論對church的挑戰,Joe的態度和回應也讓他們相當驚嘆。
Fuller, Gratitude Journal 感恩日誌, Holiday, Life Journal 生活學習 Karen Wei Tuesday, December 30, 2008 1 comments
The Hotel Del Coronado (中文版)
十二月二十星期六是Joe IT team的聖誕party。十二月初,Lisa發出的邀請函,就已躺在我的email信箱裡。邀請函寫著大家必須著正式服裝,傍晚在Lisa在San Diego有著美麗view的大房子阿姨家集合,之後會去一間很棒的餐廳吃飯,IT team買單!
Here's the team party I mentioned before. It's in SAN DEIGO! Whoppee! And Matt (or Saddleback, at least) is paying for a nice restaurant. We only have to bring a gift if you want to participate in the gift exchange. I'll probably just bring one, and you can use it to do the exchange. Are we good on the 20th?
Maybe we can go down early and enjoy the day. ;)
P.S. Oh, and do you have a nice formal dress to wear? I have no idea what to wear. I may borrow something from
Joe. haha.
這是我跟之前跟你提的party。在San Diego喔!太棒了!Matt(或是Saddleback)會買單。我們只要帶一個禮物做交換就好了。我想我大概會準備一份,所以你可以跟他們交換。20號ok嗎?
Ps. 喔你有正式禮服可以穿嗎?我還不知道我要穿什麼,大概跟室友借吧。哈
From: Lisa Crockett
Sent: Tuesday, December 8, 2008 3:34:27 PM
To: Arthur Ochoa; Stephen Anslow; Joe Chancellor
Cc: Janet Turner
Subject: RSVP for Christmas Party
Auto forwarded by a Rule
Since there's no formal, Saddleback Christmas party this year, we're dressing up by ourselves! Please let me know soon if you will be coming and how many of you will be coming. My aunt's excited to host us and the view from her place is incredible!
既然今年Saddleback沒有正式的聖誕舞會,我們自己來盛裝舉辦一場吧!請盡快回信回覆你會不會參加,是否攜伴和人數。我阿姨很熱心的要開放她在San Diego的家讓我們辦party。從她家可以眺望的景色保證值回票價!
我們兩都很喜歡San Diego。Joe很興奮的提議我們當天早點下去San Diego玩,至於這次要去哪裡探險,他會搞定。這段期間內,我們通著email來來往往的討論到底要穿到多正式。應該一件可愛裙子就夠了吧,我問,Joe猛迭聲說,不成不成,據Lisa表示,大家都要穿得很正式才行。
Party一星期前,Joe上Pasadena陪我。原本只是走去Old town逛逛,竟然就拐進店裡讓我為party挑起小禮服。來來回回幾家店禮服不斷的試,petite身材的我,要挑到一件正式漂亮的禮服,老實說是有點難度,得碰點運氣。直到晚上十點店家要關門了,我們終於拍板定案。喜孜孜的拎著新的小禮服,一邊也心想,Joe對我真好,一向最不喜歡逛街的他,竟然陪了我一整晚,超級投入又興致盎然的當個好逛街partner。至於Joe的行頭,他先是說會跟室友借西裝穿,完全符合他極低物慾不好打扮的個性。過沒幾天,他改口說,反正明年他也得穿著正式去博士班的面試,那不如就去買一套西裝好了。「好阿好阿」,我心裡也沒多想。直到事後我才知道,他破天荒的作超級正式打扮,都是為了這一個特別的日子。
這一年我們設計了特別的個人化磁鐵給Team staff當聖誕禮物。好不容易學校 quarter告一段落,我開始日夜瞎忙的要把禮物準備好,帶到party上給大家。手工藝品有時候還真累人。等到我終於忙完可以就寢,已經是星期六的凌晨兩點。星期六一早Joe上來接我,我半裝可憐的說我昨晚好晚睡喔,他聽了心疼得不得了。(事後他告訴我他覺得超級對不起我,竟然因為整個漫天大謊讓我不斷熬夜趕工作禮物)
開車往San Diego去的路上,Joe給了我第一個小禮物---一張我們昨天才在談的CD!我心裡覺得納悶,怎麼會送這張CD給我,該不會是聖誕禮物吧?不過可以在約會天拿到小禮物,總是件開心的事!一路上,我一邊補眠、一邊聽著CD,一路跟著Joe閒聊。當車子開上San Diego-Coronado大橋時,眼前的美景讓我整個人清醒了過來。San Diego真是太美了!不過,我們到底是要去哪裡阿?Joe說「祕-密!」
車子轉進了停車場,眼前矗立的是一棟有著紅色球形高頂的漂亮旅館。Joe一邊停車一邊跟我說這飯店可是有百年歷史的地標喔。下車前,他變出了第二個禮物給我!「哇哇哇」,我心裡想著,「今天的約會怎麼那麼棒!」飯店後面緊臨著美麗的沙灘,不可思議的是,除了餐廳水池,竟然有一個很大的圓形溜冰場!我興奮的跟Joe說pittsburgh也有一個很美的skate ring,只是我老嚷著想去溜,卻一次也沒有成行。Joe笑笑說,「今天說不定是你的幸運日喔! 」接著拉著我走去溜冰場售票口。「欸欸…」等等,現在是什麼情況?Joe 的隨性舉動讓我超級困惑。 想了一會兒,我決定放棄穿得超級美麗小禮服溜冰摔得七暈八素的機會,改挑做旁邊超酷的四人腳踏座車!溜冰,下回穿牛仔褲再來!
這棟飯店叫做「The Hotel Del Coronado」,硬要翻譯,大概是皇冠之飯店(聽起來很怪,哈)。飯店其實有著兩百年歷史,整棟建築不只外面風景建築物美,內部的古意裝飾陳列更是一大景點。舉飯店大廳為例,全木頭的建築與擺設,真有令人置身歷史的感覺。我們穿梭在飯店的各個角落,走著歷史走廊、商店、古早物小店、美食加精品,應有盡有。Joe在我駐足咖啡店前精緻糕點冰櫃的瞬間,就拎著我去挑一個好吃的巧克力莓果慕思。逛花園、逛商店、四處照相,今天有點隨事都心想事成的神奇感覺。在大廳的巨型聖誕樹前照相時,我們還看到兩個穿著像是十九世紀初期的人。我說「這一定是飯店員工故意扮裝」,Joe說「是嗎?我還想他們是一般客人耶。」
在海邊看完夕陽後, 我們差不多逛遍了各個可以照相的景點,第一棵相機電池也已耗盡。我開始問起,我們要集合的地方在哪阿?離這裡遠嗎?我們幾點要走?會不會遲到?Joe說Lisa剛剛打過電話來說有人塞在高速公路上,所以可以晚一點再去沒關係。「喔」我繼續四處巡覽,直到我們兩個的腳都開始酸累,才坐在lobby沙發上休息。「那邊走廊的ballroom今天晚上會有一個秀喔,我想這些穿得很正式的人都是為了那個秀來的吧」Joe指著走廊對我說,「是喔」,我踱步過去在ballroom外探頭探腦,壓根兒不知道這會是Joe給我的下一個驚喜。
「我們該走了」,又過了十分鐘,Joe終於下了動身指令。我穿上大衣、戴上圍巾,準備走進入夜的寒冷裡。奇怪的是,Joe把我帶到了ballroom的大門前,跟著入場的人群一起排著隊。「恩,其實Lisa沒有住在San Diego的阿姨」他說。「什麼?」「恩…」「那聖誕party呢?」「也沒有聖誕party,….只有我們兩個,然後我們要進去看這個秀。」Joe從上衣口袋像變魔術一般的掏出了兩張票。哇塞!這傢伙竟然騙我!我滿心覺得這個驚喜真是太酷了!什麼時候我的男朋友竟然學會製造大驚喜?不過,幹嘛搞得這麼特別阿?聖誕節還沒到,交往紀念日也還有一個禮拜多,哎呀,不管了,反正又不重要。我們開始嘻嘻哈哈的虧起他竟然會為了驚喜說謊騙我,這跟他一向堅持的要當「一個可以讓我相信他說的每一句話的人」,實在是有點衝突。
「你是我的公主 (喔~真甜蜜)
我的知己 (Confidant是什麼意思阿?*英文課時間*)
我珍貴的寶藏 (這個我喜歡)
我的夢想家 (恩..這倒是有點特別)
我們ministry夥伴 (等等..這是不是特別訂製的東西阿?)
我的愛人 (哇…這真的是給我的嗎)
我的小猴 (我的老天!這真的是我專屬的禮物耶)
Will (我花好久才看出這是個Will,本來還想看起來真像WII。該不會是要寫WII
wish you a Xmas吧?那就太爆笑了..)
在我好不容易辨識出Will這個字,繼續往下轉,唸出YOU,我整個人就停住了。映入眼簾的是「WILL YOU MARRY ME」!整個進入大震驚的我,看著Joe彷彿是慢動作一般的從口袋裡拿出了戒指,跪在我面前,開始對我說起話來。我必須自首極度驚嚇的我,根本記不大得他對我說了甚麼。隱約記得他為我我們交往多久了,對我說他對我的感覺和他多麼開心我們在一起的這段時間之類的。我當時一定看起來像被雷打到。喃喃的吐出yes,Joe輕輕的把戒指套到我的手上。
2. Joe的家人一整天對他拼命奪命連環call,想要知道大計畫進行得如何。他幾次說要如廁其實是去廁所裡打電話說,不要再打來了!我不會接電話了!
3. Joe的室友早就知道當天是個求婚大作戰。結果他跟我聊天時還是一派平靜悠哉的問我今天計畫做什麼。我還興奮的跟他描述要去辦公室的聖誕party,而且誇張的哀號我還忙著在包裝禮物。現在想起來,室友實在是功力高深,有夠會演戲!
4. 想當然爾,整個辦公師都知道Joe的計畫。整個party完全是個大謊言。邀請函、party、阿姨家全是Joe想出來的idea。大家都串通好如果我問的話要怎麼應對!
5. 在飯店逛的時候,Joe曾說他有點擔心車子,要去check一下,其實是偷偷去拿禮物和戒指。晚餐時,我偶爾去牽他的手,摸摸他的大腿,他還很緊張的想我是不是發現什麼了,在偷偷check西裝裡是不是有裝戒指的小盒子。(寶貝,我只能說你真是太多慮了。我真的是壓根兒一點頭緒也沒阿)
以上就是整個求婚記。 Joe的的確確給了我一個超級浪漫的大驚喜。同時,這過去的一個月,他也是個超級大騙子。在我們展開新的未婚夫妻關係的同時,看樣子是有必要坐下來好好談談關於誠實議題了。
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The Hotel Del Coronado-Proposal Surprise |
Coronado, Food, Holiday, Life Journal 生活學習, Record, Relationship 感情, San Diego Karen Wei Tuesday, December 23, 2008 1 comments
The Hotel Del Coronado
He is a big fat liar and he is now my fiancé. :D
December 20th is Joe’s team’s Christmas party day! He has forwarded me the email at the beginning of December and seemed to be excited about that.
Here's the team party I mentioned before. It's in SAN DEIGO! Whoppee! And Matt (or Saddleback, at least) is paying for a nice restaurant. We only have to bring a gift if you want to participate in the gift exchange. I'll probably just bring one, and you can use it to do the exchange. Are we good on the 20th?
Maybe we can go down early and enjoy the day. ;)
P.S. Oh, and do you have a nice formal dress to wear? I have no idea what to wear. I may borrow something from
Joe. haha.
From: Lisa Crockett
Sent: Tuesday, December 8, 2008 3:34:27 PM
To: Arthur Ochoa; Stephen Anslow; Joe Chancellor
Cc: Janet Turner
Subject: RSVP for Christmas Party
Auto forwarded by a Rule
Since there's no formal, Saddleback Christmas party this year, we're dressing up by ourselves! Please let me know soon if you will be coming and how many of you will be coming. My aunt's excited to host us and the view from her place is incredible!
“It looks fun!” I was really excited as well. Since we both like to go to San Diego, his suggestion of driving down early and having fun looks like a great idea to me. We had emails back and forth discussing how formal we need to dress up on that day. I suggest wearing a cute skirt should be enough, but he insist Lisa has said it needs to be really formal. About one week ahead of the time, he took me shopping for dress because of the event. Though it felt a bit weird that he happily took me shopping (he really doesn’t like shopping), I just figured he was trying his best to keep me accompany and do something that I like. Joe said he would just borrow suit from his roommate. “Of course”, I think. It makes sense to me. However, couple days later, he said he is thinking about getting a suite. Since he will need it in couple months for the PhD interview as well. He should just get one now. “Sure,” I think. Only till later I was told that he dressed up super nice all for this special purpose.
Saturday turned out to be a good day, especially it has been raining for days earlier that week. (Now it all comes back to me why he was so excited and commented it’s nice that the weather was good.) I had stayed up late for days trying to get our personalized Christmas gifts done for the office staff. (yep, he felt super bad after learning this.) After he picked me up, we went to a nice breakfast place in Pasadena. It all felt like fun. Then we headed south to his place to finish gift-wrapping and for him to dress up.
On the way down to San Diego, I got my first gift- a CD that we just talked about the day before. “Um…”, I felt pretty odd to get this CD as a gift. However, nice little gift seems pretty good to me on a nice date. During the driving, it’s me sleeping, we listening to the CD, and chitchatting the whole time. As we drove on the San Diego-Coronado Bridge, the pretty view in front of me totally makes me awake. San Diego is such a pretty place! But, where are we going? Joe said, “It’s a secret.”
“This is a famous couple hundred years old hotel,” Joe said as he pulled into the parking lot. We came to a pretty hotel with huge red crown shape on the top of the building. Hotel Del Coronado is the name. Before we got off the car, he brought out another gift to me. “Wow,” I thought, “this date seems pretty nice”.
The hotel has a nice beach at the back. As we walking on the path, there is a huge ring skating right in front of me. I was telling Joe we had one in Pittsburgh but I never get to try it. He held my hands and told me today may be my lucky day. “What?” His response totally confused me. After some thoughts, I said I want to pick cool 4 people bike ride instead of falling on the ice ring stake with nice dress on.
The hotel is actually 200 years old. It has its little museum telling its history. There are also a hallway of cool shops, antique stuff, and a huge Christmas tree in the old style wood lobby. We had chocolate mousse berry cup, coffee, and lots of pictures. And we joked around two weird people dress up like in the old days. “They must be hotel staffs,” I said. “Yep? I thought they are just customers,” Joe said.
After the sunset, we pretty much visit every part of the hotel and ran out of first camera battery as well. I start asking where is the house that we are going to? Is it far away from here? When should we leave? Will we be late? Joe said Lisa just called and said people are stuck in the traffic, so we can stay here longer. Ok. We kept browsing all the stores, gardens, and finally both had sore legs resting in the lobby comfy couch.
“There will be a show tonight at the end of the hallway. I think most people who dress up nice are for that.” Joe told me. “Oh, yeah?” I went there peaking outside of the ballroom. “An American Christmas”, the huge poster outside of the ballroom said. “Looks neat,” I think, without any idea that this is the next surprise Joe is about to show me.
Another ten minutes passed by. He said, ok, we should go now. I put my coat on, scarf on, ready to go into the coldness outside. He then brought me to the door of the ballroom, said, “Um…Lisa doesn’t have an aunt living in San Diego.” “What?” “Yep…..” “what about the party?” “There is no party. Just two of us.” “What?” “Yep. We are actually going to this show.” He then pulled out the tickets from his pocket. I was surprised but thinking this is so cool. My cute bf starts to know how to surprise me and give me a really nice evening. Wow. But why? Nah. Not important. We joked that he actually lied to me, which is so against to his standard of being someone who I can trust every single word he said.As the door opened, we were greeted by LOTS of actors and actresses who dressed up like people in 1900s. “Oh! You already knew those two people are from this show.” Joe smiled and nodded while I protested. The evening started with free appetizers and drinks. Waiters walking around the room serve us. It came out to be that we are in a big show, pretending we are the guests of this Marshall’s family. When the event starts, I was led to the first table in the center, right in front of the stage!
I was so excited with this cool dinner event. I love musical (and great food of course). The whole show I probably ended up feeling awestruck and have mouth wide open. All the singings, dancing, piano playing, jokes, water-glass song, acting, and even interaction with guests make me super busy the whole night. I probably just smiled like a fool when I looked at Joe. What a great night, and I even didn’t finish my dessert.
Ok. The show ends. Since we are not hurry, we took time chilled; taking pictures in the coolest crown room I’ve ever seen. Now we should go! We walked out this time with coat and scarf on again for real. But he took me back to the beach again instead of going directly to the parking lot. “um..I guess he wants to take the garden path again, maybe.” We sat down on the beach; he gave me my last gift for the day. “Be careful, it’s fragile.” I carefully unpack my gift. It’s a special candleholder with texts on the wall! We popped the candle light on, put it inside, now the reading time!
“YOU ARE MY PRINCESS (aw…that’s sweet)
MY CONFIDANT (what does this mean? *English class time*)
MY TREASURE (I like this)
MY FELLOW DREAMER (This is a little special…)
MY MINISTRY PARTNER (Wait! Am I getting a personalized gift?)
MY LOVER (wow. is this for me?)
MY MONKI (Aaaahhhh! It’s a gift just for me!)
WILL ….. (*we are having hard time recognizing this word…Is it WII? Or…WII wish you a merry
Xmas? Haha. Too funny, can’t be the case…ohoh, I got it it’s WILL!)
YOU… (…….)
Right after I cheerfully recognize the word “WILL”, as I turn the holder around, I read “WILL YOU…” and then stopped. “WILL YOU MARRY ME” popped out in front of me. Joe reached his pocket and brought out a ring. Knees down, he started talking to me while I am in huge huge huge huge shock! He poured out his heart to me, however I need to confess that I got words coming into my ears but soon disappeared in my head. I remembered he asked me how long we’ve been dating, and how much he liked me and enjoyed us. I must look like someone who just got struck by the lightning or something. Mumbling my yes out, and he put the ring on my finger.
===Later he told me the whole stories and funny little details.
1. He ordered this cool thing from Netherlands! Couple days ago he even got an email from the company said they are so excited about this order after they saw this thing came out from the machine. They emailed him asking how things going and wanted him to tell them how it goes after proposal!
2. Joe’s family kept calling him throughout the day wanting to know if everything turns out well. He actually went to restroom to call them back, warning them do not call again. He will not answer phones afterwards!
3. Joe’s roommate already knew this is a proposal event! He acted so normal while chatting with me asking me what’s the plan for the day. I was excited telling him we were going to the IT team party and I am busy wrapping gift! Now in retrospect, he was so calm and even wished me have a great time in the party!
4. The office already knew about this proposal. Everything is a lie! Invitation, party idea, aunt story…they are all Joe’s idea and his great work.
5. When he told me he needs to check the car, he actually went in to pick up ring and gift. During dinner, while I held his hands and touch his thigh, he was super nervous wondering was I checking if there’s a box with my ring! (Babe, you worry too much! I am honestly completely clueless)
So, this is the proposal surprise story. Joe has really given me a great romantic surprise. He is a great liar throughout this whole month. And we will need to have a talk about honesty and transparency as we start our new relationship. Haha!
More pictures :
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The Hotel Del Coronado-Proposal Surprise |
Food, Holiday, Life Journal 生活學習, Record, Relationship 感情 Karen Wei Monday, December 22, 2008 9 comments
Christmans Party and Din Tai Fung
Who would know that SLS kind of having the tradition of going to bowling and Din Tai Fung as their Christmas celebration party? I just found out this great news last couple days when RSVP to the Christmas staff party. After figuring out the dumpling house they meant, I couldn't help but got so excited through out the weekend.
There is only one Din Tai Fung restaurant in the States, which is actually pretty close to us. Bowling is fun, but Din Tai Fung is even more amazing. I kept telling my boss and other staffs how cool Din Tai Fung is and how excited I am. Several friends also got my phone calls "showing off" that I get to go to Din Tai Fung for a big treat!
Twelve of us went bowling in the morning. Bowling to me is like a college activity. I still remember going bowling in the late evening, and then having night snack afterwards. When being a student, time doesn't seem like an important issue. We always feel that we have plenty of time to spend and going to bed early is not something to worry about. The friendship flowing between interactions probably is the most attracting thing in the late night bowling event for us. Those good old time...
Ok. back to topic. So, twelve of us divided up to three teams to have team competition. After the first round, our team got rewarded for 100 handicapped for the real game. Now you can get an idea how "good" we were. ISO has Sam, who is the expert of bowling. SLS happens to have "powered up" version of Carmen. We have Keith, the only guy who can help raise our point. However, when the second run started, our team started firing up! Strikes and spare kept coming. We laughed this was a team job and we prayed before the second run. At the end we were couple points less than ISO team. However, with the 100 handicapped point, we were the champion!
Din Tai Fung is right across the bowing place. People were all starved. The manager who helped us order kept giving ideas and pretty much handling the whole order process. In the middle of ordering, the manager told Ruth that Americans won't like chicken with skin on it, so they can just skip chicken soup, and order sour and spicy soup instead. " I want a chicken soup!" I can only find a little spot to yell out what I want as I see them going to pass it. The managered stopped and mumbled, "oh, Asian may like it." We had juicy pork dumpling, pork and shrimp dumpling, shrimp shaomai, shanhai fried rice cake, shrimp fried rice, fried green bean, bok choy, red bean dumpling and red bean rice cake. Oh, and my chicken soup which I had one and with one to go as well!
Not sure what made Allison started wanting to learn Chinese, we spent much time practicing writing "love" and speaking "I love you" in Chinese. There was even time that the whole table stopped and just listened to us. And I offered the explanation of my last name- eight thousand female ghosts, which was used by Allison this morning to greet me when she stepped into office.
Anyway. Din Tai Fung in the States not only fed my belly, but reminds me of my family. That was the first meal they took us to when we went back this summer. I thought about Dad's face during that meal. I think, as quiet as he was, he still loves me so he treated everyone with a great nice dumpling feast!
Food, Fuller, Holiday, Job 工作 Karen Wei Friday, December 19, 2008 0 comments
Blar...Final Paper Days
Two more days left before the due day for my final paper and article reviews. Really frustrated with my procrastination that seems always leads me to this kind of situation. :( You guess I probably should have learned some lesson before. I did. I did by having nice goal this time thinking I will conquer it step by step, but here is the result--in vain.
Trying not to get upset with self. I have a tendency of putting me down when I am not doing well. Then when it gets worse, I start to question if I am still likable and lovable in others' eyes. (and now, what matters the most is bf's eyes.) Have I heard it over and over again that God loves me no matter what I do? I can try to make God stop loving me, but I will fail.
10-page paper, I already have 1! haha. Add oil. I will make it.
Fuller, Snippet 不是文章 Karen Wei Wednesday, December 10, 2008 0 comments
Final Week Blah
##在網路上看到朋友感恩節大採購的戰果。可能是因為剛好有我夢想了兩年的digital camera,所以好羨慕。晚上跟bf說,“說不定我以後也會變有錢?“他隨即接上一句"money is not everything"回應我。
##昨天成功的在咖啡的加持下撐到三點。Reading Report寫完了,只是今天課堂上的補充讓我覺得可能還得在加強一下心得部份。今天要繼續努力我的報告大業。
##工作時開始籌劃final week結束的事項: photoshop的影片、新的general publicity idea、把圖書館的書大清倉等等,然後回頭想,還是把心拎回好好替這個五千塊的quarter做個好學習總結才是。
##課堂上提到的minister family dilemma又勾起我的熊熊怒火。不喜歡課堂呈現的負面現象批判與假定,而沒有任何正面practical的討論。畢竟我看到的就是很多正面的現象和改進預防方法阿。感覺上一年前在Golden Gate辯論過的,又一次舊事重演。差別在於,Golden Gate同學比較多是現役牧者或是未來牧者,這裡的psychology有點「讓教會健康不是我的責任」的感覺。
Fuller, Life Journal 生活學習, Record, Snippet 不是文章 Karen Wei Wednesday, December 3, 2008 0 comments