
在這裡這些年來,這是最不舒服的一個階段。 不知道為什麼acculturation變得很像心頭患。是英文還是很爛,還是不是單身有差,還是我就是天生奇怪?我不知道,而這很讓我心煩。







應該不會是坐前座了吧?他和爺爺一樣,總是堅持要坐前座。我從來沒有深究是身分問題呢,還是只是單純偏好。會是有精神還是想睡呢?坐別人開的車,老爸一向握著窗上的握把,不多話,忘了會不會當passenger seat driver。臉部表情會笑還是安靜?腦袋裡有的選項畫面不多,老爸現在,是常笑、常沈默還是沒有表情?

我把電腦桌面換成了U Pitt畢典的大合照。老爸旅行時常常很龜毛。那次大旅行,他有很多要求、堅持和意見--是個固執的傢伙,而我也在這方面完全像到他。半個月內,其實有很多爭執和不愉快。畢業典禮那天他卻笑了很多。看著照片,我想老爸應該有偷偷地開心和感到驕傲吧?我希望他有。





期待康復的加油 (1)





婚禮倒數11天 Wedding count down 11 days


最近一邊努力刪去to-do list上的task,一邊也忙著把未來老公的家當搬進我小小的studio。夏天很熱,這星期的高溫都到90多度,祈禱希望下週會涼快一點。

我不喜歡event planning。一整個婚禮籌劃過程很多繁瑣的事情,加上不懂得怎麼做去哪裡問,心情常常很浮躁,也吵了不少架。和安柏聊天時,她都會很優雅的提到她朋友不斷在婚禮籌備過程禱告的經歷,我因此真的是被一次一次在耳朵邊提醒,要禱告,不要自己瞎忙。

近期的超級大感恩是有多年wedding coordinator經驗的朋友主動提及可以幫忙。一直到接近婚籌的尾聲了,我才清楚這是我需要的幫忙。一些朋友在百忙中給意見伸援手,我很感激,但是這樣的有人帶頭拉著我跑,才是我最需要的幫助。很感恩,也在不多的時間裡盡量要繼續做不是很懂的事情。好家在,和老公的互動一直是柳暗花明又一村的在浮躁中,屢有驚喜。

為著婚籌的壓力鬧脾氣,為著一個環境裡的生活習慣在磨合,練習用好的方式表達和溝通,有心灰意冷的時候,但我永遠忘不掉,我們一起南下去幫一個朋友garage sale的忙,一路爭執著,到了家後,他卻進屋捧出一個紮著白色大蝴蝶結的大紅禮物盒出來。我愣在那裡一句話也說不出來。


54 days count down

Recently, there were couple fights between us. In the middle of them or even after them, I sensed the fear and uncertainty about future. That feeling haunts me for a while. It is a feeling which seems like singles won't be able to grasp. At least I don't find single friends understand it. I try not make it look like complaints. No one really gets to hear what is going on. I wait and pray. I feel God does not respond when I want Him to. I expected and found out that weekend sermon was again something about mission.

Listening to the audio book while driving down to OC, I heard a word that resonates with me so strongly- fear. It is because of the fear that I want to defend and protect myself. It is because of the fear that I think I need to fight instead of opening up myself. I recall the arguments during the fights, that I literally picturing myself putting up armors and getting tough. My so-called enemy is this man who is soon going to be my dear husband. How sad.

Soon sister-in-law wrote in the email back to me about what it means to be a wife. She said, two things, respect your husband and always always put God at the center. Messages come from her has no showing off, no judgment but full of sincerity. I appreciated those insights and made the decision to ponder on them more.

Self-centeredness is probably what I got myself into. I think about what I want, what can make me feel safe, what I may like, and what can assure me happiness and joy in the future. Although I may not know the correct answer, I was still so into busying thinking about them and maybe figuring them out. I look at him not as a man who is committed in this relationship and has been working so hard despite our language and cultural difference, but a guy who can not understand all I know, I say and my past. Maybe I was so into the temptation of changing him, I feel defeated by the fact that it can not be achieved.

I am still not as stable and mature as I would like myself to be. Luckily, God somehow still manages to send me messages to the core of my heart. I think about my perseverence when learning how to drive. "If that many people can drive on the road, I should be able to as well." If that many people have gone into marriages, I should be able to as well. I just need to be reminded over and over and over that I am not here to find someone to fulfill me, to meet my needs or to make me happy. I am here to serve and give. I am here to practice living with a king who I respect wholeheartedly. Maybe then in the future, I will be better when seeing God and living with Him. Um, I think this applies there too.

I need to remind myself that I can be tempted to go into the thoughts about "who is the best man who suites me" or "these are the signs that you have found your soul mate". Not that those are unachievable, but I guess those should be bonus but not the goals of going to a marriage. Ha. I can namelist people who will disagree with me on this idea. Will see.

流水帳_Celebration & Others

5/23 Janet和Amber幫我們辦了一個非傳統型的wedding shower。先是co-ed(男女都有),再來是變成一個outdoor BBQ。看著evite invitation 送出來,好興奮喔。有人為我辦一個party! 我們還是東落西丟似的,一個一個把相關的information組織起來,記得光是一個gift registry,我就瞪著好多vendor不知道要選誰。



終於在Amber和 Becky的幫助下,把婚禮當天造型和妝搞定。大鬆一口氣阿。同時我也發現自己很不會社交,不只英文不行,竟然連中文我也很安靜。真是訝異。







學姊聲音還是好好聽喔。花了一些時間把youtube上的記錄都聽了一遍。喜歡!紅樓、女巫店、西門町這些搞藝術的點,很容易激起我的回憶。默默的放上她的廣告連結,希望她如網誌上寫的能live to the fullest.






最開心的是提供了小小的面試技巧。突然間有種,這幾年不管是在Career Ministry自己的學習、或是面試的實戰、抑或現在的工作單位,有點讓我派上用場,為大人物加油的感覺。很有幸福的感覺。




這個週末照例是功課週末。雖說我們刻意的留了星期天下午出去走走,討論婚禮相關事情細節,還買了wedding party的禮物,我的腦袋在星期一早上還是沒有什麼印象。



住處和J的side project是最近的大事。夾雜在原本的學校和婚禮上,我的工作已經延宕很久了。今天數了數,剩沒多少時間,網站要快點更新完,不然不好交代。J問我可不可以盡快接手婚籌,所以他才能專心的去忙side project。噫。



Wedding preparation IV



http://karenandjoe.brides.com 不過我翻了所有的中文上網站,姊的一封信,就決定開始動工。完成時很得意,也為姊姊的幫忙張羅很興奮感動。








Out of sight, out of mind。在我偶爾嗔唸J的定期和家人褒電話粥,其實我知道這是有益和健康的。說是害怕家人,另一角度看來,我想他們應該也覺得是被我遺棄了吧。















今天約了兩個醫生門診。這將是我來美近五年來的第一次看診耶。很緊張。打電話都不知道要問什麼。希望醫生是好人,雖說已經挪出了health saving來付錢,還是心疼是錢阿。

今天好像一直都有點淡淡隱藏的開心。不是很清楚開心什麼。不過既然是開心,我就樂於現在朦朧裡吧。工作有進展、蜜月計畫有日期範圍、家人行程有新增細節、門診有著落。下一個來個...婚紗修改工程好了。喔喔,還有gift registry還沒搞定,星期四開會要來討論。

Chancellor Family Reunion


上一回去一個湖畔小屋,這一回相聚的地方是大伯Jim的媳婦Laura的叔公的木屋。座落在輻地廣闊的田野上。去的路程是滿山的hill, ranch,畜牧地。很大的木屋有兩層樓,落地寬敞讓我們塞20多人,每個人都有床可以睡。外面有河和湖。小孩子都很熱衷釣魚,我也終於有了我生平第一次的釣魚甩竿經驗。

因為去程先是原班機取消、換班機,後來houston機場因為storm關閉,我們的行程晚了九小時才到。當下我們決定先回Joe爸媽在Livingston 的新家,隔天一早再開六小時的車去reunion。新家真的是像個迷宮,房間、工作室、前廳、大客廳彼此相串。我們開玩笑需要一個地圖才搞得清楚我們在哪。外面的森林、庭院、車庫和工作室,彼此以前在Abeline真是迥然不同。很漂亮的房子。等他們全部整理好,下一年的reunion應該會更精彩吧。


抬頭一看,有點傻住。大家把客廳小佈置了一番,桌上擺著cup cake排成的愛心,中間有兩張掛著緞帶的椅子,桌上佈滿禮物和卡片。我們被帶著就座,茱莉表姊說,這是大家給我們的小驚喜shower。為了不讓我們回家加州行李麻煩,大家準備了卡片和gift card。未來的公公Mike帶大家為我們禱告,大家圍著我們,讓我們拆卡片和小禮物。事後我們一個一個跟大家擁抱道謝。才知道這是完全瞞著Mike, Anna的驚喜,為著是不讓它穿幫。大家這麼有心的為我們祝福,心裡真的是很感動。


種族歧視的近距離接觸 Racism

這個quarter 拿了一門marriage and family therapy必修的cultural/ethic issues in marriage and family. 開學沒多久因為課程的調動,很快的就談到大概是這裡必談的種族歧視問題。我一向覺得對這個議題很冷感。過多的情緒和不理智讓我把這跟政治一樣歸類到沒必要不想淌渾水的區域。很令人意外的是,課堂上在看完一個racim group exercise的紀錄片後,整個班級一面倒的認為片中naive的白人果然是很養尊處優的優勢族群,好不容易才鬆口體會到弱勢族群的他,是處理這個議題的好模範。


我天真的提出不一樣的論調,陳述在種族歧視大傘下的進步沒有被看見與讚美,另外在為種族歧視發聲時,應該可以有更深一層的自省與改變,馬上就有非裔美國同學發出不滿的意見。最後的演變是,我"應邀"在全班前面和非裔同學對話。我努力的reflect她的個人經歷、受苦經驗,搞得似乎我變成是否定種族歧視的天真傢伙。我覺得我的意見被忽略了。整個重點變成導向非裔真的還是suffer from racism。我的意見似乎穿不過牆去,停留在,「大家都攜帶非法毒品,為什麼只抓黑人」的詭異論點。說詭異是因為整個重心似乎變成大家來比誰可以犯法不被抓。怎麼沒有人想,來比誰可以不犯法?

和老師事後來來往往寫了一些email。最後給我的感覺是,這是我生平第一次覺得跟therapist說話很無趣。我聽不到她的意見,但是隱約解讀了一些不知道是否正確的潛在定見,感覺上我的意見還是對她們來講不make sense吧。也罷。不想要耗費我的一生在美國的種族歧視上。這樣子來說,我是不是其實對這件事還有負面情緒阿?


While we address existing racism, we should also actively work on eliminating bad stereotypes by doing constructive and good behaviors ourselves.

It seemed to me that no one heard what I wanted to say because statements like this quickly provoke defenses from minority groups, so my main point bounces off a wall and is not heard.

A question I want to raise related to that is ... in this country, is there still any way to address a mere fact when the fact is about negative situation with a minority group without it being labeled as racism? From my experience here in the U.S., I haven't seen any so far.

African Americans in the States had an extremely difficult time during slavery. While the situation has improved a bit (at least no black slaves now), there is still racism today, not merely between black and white, but ANY two different ethnic groups.

We should keep a dialogue going and learn how to prevent us from falling into racism either intentionally or unintentionally. But at the same time, be responsible for our own behaviors and not blame whites for everything.

Do white people cause black people to be racist? No. Why? Because people outside of this county struggle with racism too. I could list a number of examples. In my country, for example, there is tension between ethnic groups, and not a white person to blame in sight. Is racism merely an issue of differing skin color? No. Look at tension between groups outside the U.S. (Rwanda, Pakistan/India) that are all from the same "race" but have other factors that distinguish them.

While African American voice the DWB racism problem, isn't it still fact that the African Americans who are stopped were actually carrying illegal stuff? Is it the goal in the U.S. to compete with who can get away with committing a crime? Why not set a goal to "let us be the first generation who commits no crime even if we suffer from DWB?" Won't there be a time when people start to realize, African Americans no longer carry drugs even though we have a tendency to wrongly assume they do?

Tiffany shared with me that a lack of educational resources cause African Americans to retreat to drugs. So until the educational resource problem gets solved (which is proof of racism) nothing can be achieved. I feel sad to hear this because I really believe there is more things people can do to improve their situation while addressing racism at the same time.

Taiwan is not a country where education resources are equally distributed either. However, lots of people strive for education achievement because that seems to be the only way they can change the lives of their families. And our education is NOT free. We have racism between people who came to Taiwan at different times (besides the native Taiwanese), Educational deprivation, unfair arrests by police, murders, you name it--we've had it too. They also speak different languages, also, which ,like skin color, is an obvious sign of who's "in" the group and who's "out".

Just to throw out an idea to brainstorm: Don't African Americans get free education till high school like white people do here? Is there any force keeping them from finishing a high school education? From my own school application experience in the U.S., I know minorities (except Asians) have an advantage of getting into big-name schools. (Asians are actively discriminated AGAINST because their scores are too high). Do African Americans make good use of that advantage?

My goal is not to use Taiwan as the ultimate counter-argument to say what African Americans fail to do. On the contrary, I want to encourage minority groups to work harder than the majority group. At the end, we are responsible for our life, not anyone else.

Mom Visit -V

Mom went home last Saturday night. Actually, when Mom went to stay with aunt for the last time of this trip, I started getting tearful super easily. Having dinner that Mom prepared and saved for me, looking around the kitchen when seeing tiny little things that Mom has mentioned about... All and all, it seems like I am preparing myself for the departure a week ahead.

I canceled small group three weeks in a roll because I can not leave mom and go have the group meeting. I am not sure if Mom's visit this time changed anything inside of me. It surely was not easy. Not for me, and probably not for Joe especially.

Mom has been busy trying to get stuff for me. She said I need toaster oven, we went and bought one. She said I need a new set of bedding. They went and bought me one. On one hand, she worries she's adding me stuff and will make my future move harder, on the other hand, she probably thinks I should get what I need. Getting married probably also comes with have a model of home set up.

I seem to understand more of her dilemma; that she wants good for me but at the same time she's hurting and sad that I am choosing to stay here. The last day, we were just quiet for most of the time. I kept telling myself that I need to tell her my appreciation. If I want to ask her to be direct and honest, I need to do that too. It was hard and I can only spoke out, "thank you for coming here to see me." She said, o.k.. Then I started to cry. Mom said that I need to learn to be courageous and do not cry that often. She went into bathroom and we heard the sound of blowing nose. Joe said, your mom is crying too. That makes me even sadder.

All of a sudden, I found that Mom's aging. She is qualified as senior now. And that probably means I am qualified as an adult too. Why do I feel I am not like an adult? What am I lacking? dream, job, courage, maturity, responsibility or what?

I am probably experiencing the biggest loss ever since I came to the States. I started to feel jealous of my sister that she can be at home and provide the tedious care to Mom and Dad. I called and talked with Mom to make sure she's home safe and sound. Of course, she gave me a list of things that she wants me to watch out for: drive slowly, do not eat when you drive, add clothes when you get up, sleep more and do not stay up late, eat well and balanced, change your temper and anger problem....This time I did not argue with her at all. I felt I want to hear one more time her showing her love in her way. No matter what textbook says about dysfunctional family or culture problems. I found that was familiar and wanted. Although the soft heart feeling worn out after the minute-long reminders. She asked me if I greeted dad when he answered the phone. I said of course, and feel convicted inside of me. Dad's voice still has the effect of making me cry immediately without much information given.

Anyway. Back to normal life. No matter I want it or not, this is where my life is now.

Fuller 3rd quarter

My biggest whining is that I don't identify myself as a student. To feel like a student, I labeled my experience when I was at Pitt to be the real "international student" feeling. Not sure what has been different since then even though I probably can name several changes in my life.

Psychology seems to be an odd group in either society or academic setting. I wonder and am curious why Jack would comment that integration between faith and psychology is Fuller's strength. Will next fall be a different setting since I will meet my own cohort? This year's students are not that impressive than several 2-yr students I have met.

I forgot to rate 2 professors from last quarter. Bummer. Do I become more opinionated or that was just who I am and I am expressing it because I am able to talk more?

Kinda like two professors out of three so far in this quarter. The majority of the coursework will be centered around the Bible too. I am again a seminary student?! Ha. After a year, I should be better than me a year ago who ended up tearing about my first theology class.

Mom Visit - IV

Joe planned whale-watching event at Dana Point. It was a early wake-up day and it was fun. When I saw the excitement emerged from mom's sparkling eyes, I immediately got the feeling that it's all worth it.

We had lots of common dolphins swimming and jumping besides the boat. Very cool experience. We then went to the Beach House for a late lunch. Not sure what made everything changed. It was a combination of seafood, oceanview and enjoyment.

Finally pick up my wedding dress. It was humongous. Now I need to figure out how to store it.

I kept having the feeling that I can not leave mom behind. I appreciated her doing everything for me. And the most important thing is to make her happy, not the codependent or pleasing kind, but just be happy.

I changed so fast.

Oh, and the Huntington is worth visiting.

Mom Visit - III

Defeated after two weeks. I guess I am going crazy. The most miserable thing is feeling torn inside. She is mean but at the same time still catches my attention. Part of me still longs for the caring from parents. Since dad's side is an already-closed, passed tense state, mom seems to be the only hope left. She became like a grumpy old woman. In front of her, babe became quiet too. I felt I am a big loser that the whole picture looks bad and broken. I just can't take it anymore.

Why is it so difficult? Why it always need to be the overwhelmingly heart-broken feeling? Is the fine broken pieces of heart still repairable?

What is my part? that I failed to practice the small and soft yet powerful voice? that I failed to make her feel safe? that I demonstrated again that I will walk away?

I failed to call for a break in a peaceful way. I accused myself to be a loser. I hate family relationships- the one that hurts you the most, but also the one that makes you wanted the most.

Mom Visit - II





Mom Visit - I




拆了耳機,遁進廁所,我又再一次被影響了。練習不要自己鑽進死胡同,練習遇到事情上帝是第一個被我知會的。「他是因為害怕和不知所措吧。」我圈點這個結論,雖然不知道到時候走紅毯怎麼辦,之前禱告的有一個 civilized talk 怎麼實現,不過上帝把拔愛我是真的。緊緊抓住這個。



Wedding preparation III Premarital Counseling

Every Wednesday night is our premarital counseling appointment. We have been through half of them and have talked about several areas and issues we should anticipate in marriages. We had our second fight after being engaged this week prior to going to counseling. Joe tried to make up and talked through it before hand, but I was still stubborn.

Extended family, communication and conflict resolution are all issues related to this fight. We gradually unfolded the point till we get to the detail really closely. Joe put my reactions into words really well while he described what he saw in me. My feeling aspect was puzzled with his intention and his behaviors according to my interpretation. It's like a trapped and stuck corner where the definition of love has been redefined. Therefore, love does not look that great any more. Joe said he does not want me suffer and stuff everything inside of me. He wants me and invites me to tell him everything. Bring up things in my perspective and check with him what was going on at his side.

After the session, I tried to tell Joe the minor issues happened before just to practice answering his invitation of letting him know what happened inside of me. I felt his strong and safe arms around me hugging me really tight. I listened to his clarification and explanation of the meaning of love. All of the sudden, I got an epiphany. This man, standing right here, is offering me something that I have dreamed about demanding from people who "claims" to love me. He has seen my past, and understand where I come from. However, he embraced me as who I am and is willing to go beyond to care about me and being extra sensitive to me. I guess I finally grasp that is a sacrificing love- a love that put the other person's interest before his own.

Just to keep a record of the feeling safe and assured from him.

Father-figure visit

Highlight of the day is Reggie knocked on my door this afternoon!

Looking up from my file folders, I jumped up to give him a big hug! Reggie is here again! We chatted during his short break of this Dmiv intensive class. Talked about the wedding and he promises to come! Hooray!

Reggie was my professor and big boss when I was in Golden Gate. Loved that he mentioned about the diversity of our environment and group and how he grew up being comfortable around people who are different from him. Looking back, he is probably one of the few people that have no bias or preconceived idea about other ethnic groups, and even not have any victim mentality for his own ethnic group. (or at least I did not sense anything). He was very encouraging while being the adviser of my independent study debriefing my paper with me. However, the most touching experience I had was when I am leaving Golden Gate, having financial problems, he talked to me, listened to me and showed great compassion to me. That was probably the first time I got a big hug from him.

Later we met when I first went to Fuller. He and Victor joked about how I betrayed Golden Gate and came here. It was a big surprise to see him on campus again today. Hope he will have great time in his last required class for his degree! Way to go! Doctor!


今天天空很藍。寫了兩篇reading log,有完成任務的成就感。


Wedding preparation II + week 9 murmur

Got wedding date changed again. Big bummer!

It took me couple nights to letting go that my dearest friends won't be able to make it and looking forward to have mimi there to be "my old friend". Now it needs to change again. I've noticed when things got changed or became not satisfactory, I have the feeling of not want to care about anything. No good dates to get married, so why get married? even.

It must have something to do with the expectations and trust and the disappointments altogether. And I find I don't really know that I have confidence in the unfamiliar countries.

Week 9. Got the sexuality class midterm back. Didn't get all As. Disappointed. The answers are not enough. It feels like all the efforts were not enough. Even wanted to look external for excuses.

Felt: abandoned. Thought: knew it's going to happen again. processing conclusion: when negative emotions come up, he will get frustrated, mad and leave.

Got dress finalized. Guilty about the cost. Friend said he really treasures you. I am released and confident to have him take care of you now.

Wedding preparation I

I finally started my dress shopping last week. Stores in Temple city have really bad services. Not sure if it's because they are not Taiwanese, therefore, some communications and expectations cause the problems. David's Bridal, however, was such a cool place (especially after the bad experience in Temple City). I found one dress that I really like, but my wallet doesn't like it that much.

Wedding preparation starts becoming stressful to me. I love the dream that family will help you, but hated that I can never get used to their way of communication and comparison or even put down. Mimi said, just let them do whatever they want, the most important thing is get them to pay! May sound odd, funny or even sad. However, that's probably the best strategy.

This preparation makes me know myself more that I am not a huge fan of planning details of a big project. I don't like that I ended up needing to do research, make phone calls, drive, make decisions by myself. I decided to imagine God holding my hands and hugging me all the time in the whole process. Should I apply for a wedding website? Should I make appointment to interview make-up artist now?

Do I have the problem trusting people will love me and help me in all the ways they can? Mom and sis seem to be the only legitimate people that I can fully count on. (not to mention the hassle ). However, friends are the more loving and friendly ones. sigh. Knot.com gave me over 100 items on checklist that's already due. Yep, thank you, why do I need to be the one who mark off the check list? (see how not excited I am about this...)

It reminds me about the experience when I grew up. I never knew how much money I am allow to spend. I try to be super frugal, but feel resented inside while seeing others get to spend more money and being pampered that way. My frugal expense didn't win me any compliment. Then later I occasionally want to spend money on several specific things, no matter how expensive they are, to make myself feel I am worthy spending money on.

This feeling came up while deciding the wedding band. Do they suggest the other because they don't want to spend money on me or they really think the other one is nicer? I can foresee it applies to my wedding dress too.

Another realization is accepting that my closest friends in Taiwan won't be able to make it here. In reality, they are really out of my circle of living now too. I feel wanted to make sure some people will be there, thinking that probably makes me feel treasured?

Maybe it's not much about preparation for wedding, but learning and accepting the reality before the big day.

I want a project manager for my wedding project, who will take it over and see it as his/her responsibility. Is it realistic? God, give me one!

Valentine's Day

I used to think Valentine's Day is a day when both people celebrate with each other, not just guy needs to please the woman. Not sure where I got this idea. I probably feel I don't want to take advantage of the "princess privilege."

This Valentine's Day was a very different one. I have been caught up by midterm, paper and presentations. To a degree that none of the wedding preparation has been done. I told Joe long time ago just giving me a card and don't spend money on anything else. We are pretty tight recently, and I think I don't need to stress him by giving me a big surprise or something.

Saturday, Joe was a big sad that he had to go to a dental appointment before coming to my place. I was just free from my midterm, (also know that my position will be cut soon) haven't prepared anything and didn't expect much from this holiday.

He showed up at my door with flowers and card! Several bags on his hands and he refused me taking them over and seeing what's inside. It turned out that he found some special recipes, and did homework to buy one of my favorite food- abalone! When I imagined the picture that he went to ranch 99 himself, looking through the shelf to find what exactly an abalone can looks like, I just can't help smile and feel super touched. He remembered what we shared as an fun exercise what's my favorite food and even found it himself!

The extraordinary Valentine's meal is cheese fondue, love rice, and bread pudding as dessert. Did I say Joe has the great potential to be a great cook? He proved himself that day! Though I am really not a cheese fan, the flavor of love rice and bread pudding are really really good. I am now thinking maybe I should ask for a homemade bread pudding as my birthday cake.


Things to be grateful of...

1. I am not marrying to ex-bf, so I don't have the hassle and trouble of figuring out how to balance a traditional wedding because of his parents but insist on having a wedding that matches my belief.
--> big one to be thankful for.

2. Not bound to what lunar calendar says about what days to get married. --> Having a God who is greater than all the spiritual power saves lots of troubles.

3. I only have one side of the families to worry about regarding the wedding rituals. They are even super far away.

4. Friends to play with and form the wedding planning committee with.

Group project

I have always hated group project. Of course the main reason is that I have never had a good experience from it. And I have another group project now, and I am not enjoying it so far.

Hated the feeling of impatient and explosion, I want to find a way to affirm people and work with people that I don't agree with. However, it's hard. It also remind me that if I don't work on polishing my English more, it will bring me more and more problems working with other people.

Fairness is another issue that always kicks in. Why do I need to be the one who finds all the resource in Gottman's book just because I had read it? When I felt people are working on the wrong direction and refuse to listen or wake up, I get really really frustrated.

Anyway, I hate group project.

Love surpasses all rituals



我要加入很相信的推銷團。Even though I joked about it's marketing for God, I truly want to choose that side and say, "God, here is all I have, it's so little, please help me. Please love me with no condition, please be happy for me, please take care of all the details for me, please handle this for me."

我很不會下決定,我很依賴別人的意見。我只是在找不到意見時就連unsafe people's 也聽了進去,然後就受傷了,然後就哭了。可是哭只會讓眼睛不舒服,沒有辦法解決問題,還是禱告比較好,因為比較有效。




媽想要讓我知道她愛我,我一邊聽著卻同時全身細胞都覺得痛苦。很多時候很想把所謂的boundary全都丟了吧,怎麼那麼痛、怎麼那麼難?我看得到我想直接跳回去,跟著玩family dance,一起繼續manipulation, guilt 和indirect。因為大家都習慣,因為沒有刺,因為很簡單。


Reminder-unasked advice

It didn't take long for me to receive another unasked advice from someone who had heard my prayer request in a group sharing setting. My radar wasn't on for a while. Only till later the awakening realization sunk in and I started feel intruded and unsafe. This has been the second time ever since I was exposed to the rule of "only focusing on yourself and do not offer advices, comments or suggestions if not being explicitly asked."

It is because of my personal experience that makes me understand deeply how hurtful and destructive unasked advice giving can be. I want to remind and encourage myself to be the safe person and don't resemble this mistake like others who may or may not be aware of this principle.

Gender fish bowl practice observation

During the class today, professors took about 20 students who volunteered to participate to do the gender fish bowl practice. Women go first, everybody listen, and then guys turn.

Other than the content difference to the questions: what was it like for you growing up as a boy/girl, I notice some differences between women and men's group.

It's interesting to see guys sit down as a circle and try to share. Not sure if this is a gender difference or preference difference, here are some things:
1. Someone pointed to another man to be the first guy to start sharing, while women seem find volunteer to be the first one to share.
2. Guys then follow the circle taking time share, while women took the popcorn style letting whoever want to share go.
3. Guys tend to share something about others. Even though they eventually get to the point of their own experience, they seem to have more "difficulty" go right into the topic? Not sure if this is a gender difference, or just not used to practice a lot. I wonder if in CR group, men started like this also but gradually get more used to "dive to the core".
4. There seem to be fewer women struggle with lacking female adult model around them while most men didn't have emotional connection/access to male adult model.

This kind of activity looks fun to have in a safe small group setting. Should be a good chance to touch feelings and explore about individual's own growth and lessons from peers.

Can international students ask questions in class because of language problems?

Want to be better.

Got a first-time response from professors that they prefer students not asking them questions during class simply because of language barriers. I felt offended.

I don't feel ashamed of letting people see I have online translator on during class. I look up words I hear that I am not sure about meanings. One student once told me "sorry, I saw that you were looking up words using dictionary. I was not sure if you don't want people to know that.." I don't understand. To the opposite, I felt proud that I can guess what the word I just hear might be and find it in seconds. Do people really think non-English speaker is lower than normal people? Do I think people who don't speak English better than me are second-class?

Save a special me for you

Had the chance to practice the personal guideline today. Though that person had no bad intention at all, he appreciated me speaking up the boundary up front and apologized for his insensitivity. While I made that decision, I was thinking about the person I love. My heart filled with joy that I can follow personal guideline because I truly want to love my fiance and want to protect our relationship.

Joe is the first person that I've ever met who had really strict personal guideline regarding relationships. I remembered the first time reading that and totally in awe that there is someone in the world who intentionally want to avoid confusion and misunderstanding in the relationships between men and women. One example that is totally opposite to Joe's case was a guy I met in Urbana. He came to me telling me how much he cares about mission especially related to Chinese people. We exchange contact information and he actually wrote and called me after the conference. However, after I told him that I am following this rule of not spending time alone with somebody that I am not dating with, he just disappeared. The dream, passion and interest that he shared before seem doesn't mean anything at the end. The suggestion of visiting my small group at that time, of course, never happen either.

If everyone has the chance to win a life-time big prize in their life, I think Joe is it! I am super grateful to have him- someone who is so dilligent, careful and humble especially in the area of personal growth and maturity.

---Guideline Example---

I have some guidelines that I follow when I spend time with guys as a single woman. Basically, unless I'm specifically dating a guy, I don't spend time with him alone. That comes from an awareness of mistakes I've made in my own life (giving guys the wrong impression or them giving me the wrong impression) and trying my best to avoid that common miscommunication and misunderstandings that arise between men and women.

So, if you'd like to get together in a group of 3 or more, that would be great.

Educator or Therapist

Two of the classes already started. Professors are all pretty cool and funny. While thinking through those class project, I started wonder what my future role really will be. Therapist seems to be a short term goal that I can have one way to make money. Educator seems to be a long term goal and more practical, especially in the sense that you can give a crowd something new and have an influence on them.

I remembered Joe's observation that I always get nervous and tensed when something changes. New quarter is another change; wanting to be good is another stress source again. Even to "fathom" future life is another stress as well.

Really like the point we talked about in class today that sexuality and spirituality are intricately connected. I somehow got the idea that they are both relational and powerful and the unspoken part of touched feeling makes me want to get closer to God.

Matt said he's happy seeing me and Joe getting even closer. While enjoying the feeling that I really want to spend time with Joe, I am reminding and cheering myself up as well to enjoy the time spent with God.

Marriage, family, life goal, China trip, educator, therapy, school plan, life plan, money, job, ...and all and all. God's the big and top umbrella.

聖誕禮物 Christmas Gift

Joe said he did not get to get a really special Christmas gift for me after the draining planning of engagement. He wanted to tell me that I can go get other gift besides this one that I am going to open after he got his gifts.

I was super excited after opening the wrapping! It's the cookie I got on the plane!

When I flew to Canada for the border run, I got a special kind and super yummy cookie on the plane. After tasting the first one, I intentionally saved the rest of them home for Joe. This kind of cookie is not really sweet and it has a special cinnamon flavor. Joe liked it too! I thought about keeping the bag and look for it later, but decided that I didn't want to go through all the troubles. However, Joe did exactly I thought about doing, and ordered this as gift for me!

Yummy Cookie!超級開心和感動。
I was really happy and touched with this yummy cookie gift!






