
Thanksgiving is around the corner! It's tomorrow, actually.

In the choir rehearsal this Tuesday, Stan Endicott, the choir director, asked us to write down 20 things to be thankful for. He said, the first 10 things would be just kinda superficial, while the next 1o things would be much harder for you to thank for.

I thought about my status now, and wrote down my 20 thankful things pretty easily.

1. Living healthy
2. Staying in US so far
3. Choir and audio tech ministry to join
4. Great church to attend (saddleback church)
5. Have place to stay (Thanks, Aunt)
6. Parents who care me and love me
7. Friends that I know while in Pgh
8. Friends in saddleback small group, audio team, choir and career ministry
9. Sweet and warm host families: Ron& Darlene Hann, Mark& Amy Meyer
10. My dear sister Carrie

11. Mick's getting married
12. Got no job and still alive
13. A car to drive
14. Haven't ran out of $
15. New tote
16. Urbana Youth Convention at the end of year
17. Albert's friendship and PS2
18. Accountability partners: Eileen and Lily
19. KLV's spiritual habit competition
20. SongN's friendship

Life is not always happy when things don't always go in the way we want.
I do feel discouraged, exhausted, depressed, sad, angry, and hopeless sometimes. However, when I look at those wonderful blessings in my life, I started to see this world in another way.
Thanksgiving is not about delicious turkeys and pies only. It's a great time and chance to say, "I am so thankful for you, Lord, for the darkness and the brightness in my life."

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