Homework of love

Maybe God just put the specific lesson at the particular time in your life when you think there’s no way to do it. I feel God is doing this in my life.
There was a HUGE man, tall and big, in our house last night. He’s affiliated with Roommate L. And, slept in the house! I felt I was silly even waking up in the middle of the night worrying if the locked door causes any trouble to her. However, when I saw him on the bed in the morning, rage just came up!
I tried really hard talking to calm down. At the end of the day, if roommates are doing this to upset me, they are paying the most precious price for this—themselves. Of course this is a personal choice they made. I can disagree. However, maybe I need to learn how to disagree in a loving way.
Everything you do must be done with love. (1Cor. 16:14) To be honest, this feels like a law that confines me. However, I don’t have a way out and I am willing to submit to God simply because he’s the boss and he said so. Today’s devotion was the story about Jesus was betrayed by Judah. “Oh, great. How can my struggles outweigh that one.” Haha. Anyway, I did feel happy that I can vent to God. Just say, “make sure you see what’s happening! I want to be a good person, but I am now having money stuck there, no respect, even the fear of having fight/court issue if confront again. Why do I feel I am being mistreated for doing good and being behaved?”
God is justice and faithful. About the lesson of love…..sigh. This is so tough!

My feet...

I wore sandals to work today! Only change to heels before going to the office. My feet got super hurt from the feet to the bone area of calf. can barely walk during the day. Not sure if it's because my new heels doesn't really fit my feet. It's not the size problem that "bites" my heels. I assume it's more the shape of the shoe bottom that doesn't fit the shape/curve of my feet. Therefore, my calves were hurting because of the wrong force pushed while walking. ....:( I've only wore that shoes one day! Now I know why it's so hard to buy the right high-heels. It will be nice if Carrie's with me. She's always good at telling which shoes are bad design regarding the shape/curve issue.

Switch back to my old heels. Keep learning to get used to high height heels and pointy head, I guess.

Friday is casual day! Jeans, sandals, everything is welcome! Hooray!

The 3rd day of work

Got up at 5am. Got home at 9:50pm. Working is not a funny and easy job!

Spent half day in a meeting with my boss. 2pm to 5pm-ish. My original flyer plan didn't get anything done. I then made a decision that I will overwork today, since it's only 1hr difference, but I can have 2 more hours in office. Coming out of the meeting, I finally realize how naive I was before. I used to tell people meeting is fun and nice. You don't need to work but you get paid! Now I understand the pain that your old work didn't get done because you were in the meeting. However, your to-do list gets longer from the meeting!

I need to relax myself a bit. Even though my current/future tasks sound a bit scary and huge to me, it should be ok! See, I just fool everyone that I am a design expert, while the reality is I keep trying to catch up by myself. I did get things done! Now I am also more eager to learn those software. (How can I survive if babe's not there backing me up?)

Not sure how I am going to tackle all the tasks. Can't imagine how my life will be like after school starts. I can't really do anything after work and before work everyday. Not enough sleep. Can't really write on the train. Sometimes super sleepy, not even sure how I drove myself to the station...

Tomorrow I will have a welcome breakfast treated by the office! Cool! However, again, need to get up at 5am. Work is hard!

Still hope that I can at least read more about the writing book before school starts. I am now not even sure if I can get that done.

New job! Everything is so real and cool! Office, own line, keys, "phob", supplies, business card, name tag on the door, title, office email, employee privileges....in that sense, work is fun! I feel I finally can proudly tell others I know how work is like! (something like lots of phone calls, meetings and lots of things keep pile up. Something like that!)

Upset. Mellow

First day is a bit overwhelming. Felt like I was forced and pushed to do lots of things without much time to be afraid. People were nice, however tasks are a bit intimidating. Looking at Publisher, I even felt anxious about my flyer due next Wednesday.

Judo's leaving for Texas because of family issue. Not encouraging.

Roommate is a psycho. I am fed up!




