
昨天一連收到三個contacts,願意跟我談談internship的事。我興奮的跟陵說。她笑笑評論David的獵人頭公司contact果然很驚人,不過其實這三個都不是head hunter找來的呢,可是我自己從我的contacts裡,不斷寄信連絡找來的喔!興奮了一會兒,想著晚上要好好禱告再繼續跟他們聯繫。

今天又在鼻涕和痰的擁護下醒來,很不情願的繼續灌一大杯水,撥了電話給啾豆,跑到Aliso Viejo,就準備電話連絡工作的事了。一下子是來回的確定時間,和HR director談,再跟另一個CEO談。大家都不意外的問我現在在念什麼,說實在覺得自己丟出seminary一詞時好酷!大致的了解狀況,星期一可能就要跟人家確定細節了,超級興奮的跟啾豆報告,"I am so proud of you",他說。

啾豆說Kyle已經開始做第一個C# build了。"我也不要輸人哪!"心裡吶喊著。

There were three emails waiting in my inbox yesterday about the internship. Telling Lynn excitedly last night, she commented the head hunter David mentioned about is really powerful! Well, however, those three are not from head hunter. I went through several contacts I had and surprisingly got those replies! Anyway, I was so excited thinking prayer is definitely needed before I contact them for further details.

Again, waking up with clusters and snots. After a big cup of hot water, I called Joe and went to Aliso Viejo for the phone calls and studies. Emails back and forward, I finally talked to the HR director and CEO of 2 different places. They both asked me about the school now I attend. Seminary was definitely a cool answer to make them stunned! Pretty Cool, uh? It looks like some details can be confirmed on Monday. Excitedly telling Joe, "I am so proud of you", he said.

Kyle already started his first build of C#. I don't want to left behind!

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