Update 近況



C#進度很不賴,已經在第五章尾聲。幫PaccommTech改的程式丟到test site之後好像我也就不用管了。成天窩在那個實驗室,看著人來人往進來報修或是報bug,坦白說心裡很懷念(或是羨慕)saddleback的工作環境。以前的經驗實在太享受了。

學校的課業這學期counseling課實在大大深得我心。我也一改之前閉塞的樣子,已經成了老師眼中的特別學生,永遠有問不完的問題。常常覺得自己是不夠鬆軟的海綿,想要學很多方法理論技巧,但是心裡又會響起Bob要保護我們不受其他們派沾染的提醒。同時間也覺得聖經裡很多地方都不是那麼好懂,光是marriage model我們就可以討論很久很久。還是很感恩教會裡的counseling ministry,常常有時候覺得自己是小孩開大車,但是也更多的被提醒不是我們在挽救改變別人的生命,真正做事的是神!這應該是最最大與其他secular counselor的不同吧。

Super busy and tired. Daily schedule becomes like a routine, and always comes with occasional headache. Doing pretty well in C# schedule. Almost finish chapter 5. To be honest, after staying in the lab for whole day, I started missing the saddleback perfect environment.

Love this semester's class. Maybe I should say counseling class. I also changed my attitude to be more talkative, becoming the most special student with endless questions to ask now. Always want to learn more, but at the same time remembering Bob's reminder.

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