BBQ pork

A pound of BBQ pork- $7. Sit in the car for 10 minutes battling over buying some meat or not. "Sink broken, maybe buying food is better than cooking. But, maybe just the meat. Since I have veggie at house and it's a better deal than a rice dish."

Hope one day I can be like that couple, who ordered a whole fish ($13), chicken ($7) plus expensive yummy veggie (豆苗) and don't think it's a big deal.


My heart feel for him when he's busy trying to tackle all the tasks on his to-do list. I hope I have magic to make those tasks go away. He would have been able to have a relaxing vacation or something.

I want to be the first one to cheer for him when he finishes his task and reaches his goal. Not sure if I have done it well enough. I felt a bit sad that he was frustrated and not feeling too well.

Will I really be picky about engagement? I have no idea. However, I want to trust him and I want to be able to trust him more and more. Though engagement is really a western thing, I think he values me so much that he wants to have time to do his best. :) sweet.

I want to try harder. Both work and school. Both financial and emotional. I want to be better. I want him be happy and feel his life is fulfilled with meanings. The path is not easy. Most of the time I am following him, looking up to him and want to be his helper.

When I described how much I like him to Linda, she smiled and said, it should be like that. Don't need to be embarrassed about. Guess I really need to consciously be grateful and appreciate my single life. Try to get used to job and school. Take one step at a time. My God and my man are both so nice to me. Everything will be o.k.

I want him feel o.k. too. Make a wish! babe.

Job Offer!


Director called me on the phone and gave me the offer. She repeated that she's really interested in having me in the office and wanted to know if I need time to think or will take the offer right away!

As excited as I was, I asked her if there will be some written description about the offer. She then told me all the "benefit" that I can get and agreed to send me either offer letter through on-line hiring system or email. Hee, I got the highest pay in the budget range! And I will have paid vacation! wow! I am like a real employee! :P

I, of course, said I will get back to her on Monday! Wahaha! Though I am so happy about the job and there aren't really anything to negotiate about. Woo-hoo! Maybe I will keep the purse for celebration! hahaha!

My earliest day will be September 2nd or 8th!
Happy REAL work, sweetie!

2nd Interview

I got my 2nd interview invitation one day after my 1st interview. The whole GG office was happy for me. Joe of course is one of my biggest cheerleaders. He keeps telling me how great I am!

2nd interview has assignment for me. Two things-organizing several ideas that Career Services may be benefit from and designing an event flyer. I tried to put together all the things Joe taught me about flyer. Surprisingly, he said my flyer was really good. I was thinking he will give me some ideas about how to improve it. After all, that was my first real attempt for flyer though. haha

There are couple more interview questions asked. I think I did pretty well! The flyer assignment surprised them a lot too. Though James is a bit opinionated, but director likes it. :)

It's interesting that my English has been one of the topics that people will address during conversation. I am so grateful that there have been lots of opportunities to improve my English, and I did catch them! Director said she's really impressed with me. If she could, she would give me the offer immediately. That's how impressed she is. :D Really flattered!

Joe was so happy for me. I felt I was on the king's seat receiving lots of lots of compliments and cheering! This is how much his "approval" and compliment means to me. I am super happy hearing he said he's proud of me. Cuz I admire him so much, this feels like Phelps told me I swim pretty good! haha.

I wish my family will be happy for me as much as Joe did. I wish they will know how much effort I put into my life and all the challenges along the way. I wish they will say, "this is amazing! you have what job?" Isn't it pretty cool? this job is more formal and serious then my previous job! I felt I am like a "real" American here!! (in the sense that I can work on the same kind of job as they do!) Well, the reality probably is they won't recognize at all. And I just need to live with it.

Last day of librarian

The staffs took me out for lunch to celebrate my time with them. It's fun to see them teasing each other, of course including me. I didn't get to eat one of my favorite restaurant- Buca. We went to a Mexican place instead called Don Jose.

Anyway, I need a nap in order to work on my interview for tomorrow. Guess getting up at 5.50am really makes me sleepy. I almost drove to the other lane on highway cuz I almost fall asleep....


Roommie trouble

"I have the choice to decide how I want to feel early in the morning to start my day!", I told my self.

It's 5.50am this time. Really, no matter how early I set my alarm, She can always wake me up at least 30 minutes early than my time.

Another bummer is she innocently also ambiguously said utility is shared. Not that I don't want to pay my part of utility, but I hate people said one thing, then change later without any apology. "Well, I just never meet anyone who said 'I am not going to pay rent.' But, if you don't want to chip in, it's ok." Did I misunderstand you when we discussed about this? I ask. "Oh, I don't remember what we said before." *Ahrrrrr* I can't believe what I heard.

I have lots of mosquito bites. "Oh, really, did you leave the door open?" Yep, but not sure if screen door is fully closed. "I think it's because I bumped into screen door before really hard, so it's tilt now." Can you ask the rental office to fix it? "Well, I can, but I think it's going to cost them. Maybe we will just turn on A/C." Um...I think fixing it is better. Then at the same time she turned on the A/C.

SO, WHAT is deal now?

I have a choice to start my day happy even though things don't go my way.


Went to an interview after work today. Traffic was good. It only took 40ish minutes as google map says. Parking was easy--I parked right in front of the building! Office is pretty and nice. I think I will enjoy that environment just as students!

It was like a 50 minutes interview. Longer than I expected. I felt pretty nice even though I still made some English mistakes or maybe too talkative at certain level? And maybe not super clear enough especially in picking the right word to use?

The happiest thing was babe said he's proud of me on the phone after interview. To be able to please him or getting approval and recognition from him is such an exciting encouragement for me.

Let's see if I will get the 2nd interview in the following weeks.

**I decide I want to go to Buca for my last day at Golden Gate! Yeah!
** Also decide that I want to pray to have my buying-purse desire to be removed. After I make money and have stable income, I will save money to buy purse! (Yep...still miss the super expensive..about $200 value purse I saw in TW. But, I still think that's too expensive to buy. Just miss it....)

One week

It has been a week since I moved to the new place. Roomies are a bit different (even troubled). Not really used to it. I am still looking for a way to read/study and do something at my little space. Guess the screen door doesn't fit the door frame really well that's why I got lots of mosquito bites last couple days.

There will be an interview on Tuesday. A little bit restless because of the thoughts, expectations and feelings come with that. I again have the identity crisis trying to identify myself with what I do, not who I am. I guess I don't really like myself recently because the unloving feelings I see in myself.

Nightmares about family, especially Dad disturbed me a lot in these days. I thought God was close, then knowing I am actually away from Him. Felt like I am smothered in certain way. Hoping there are people that will reach out to me and speak my mother language with me.

Several phone calls dialed in vain. Pray for having new friends who can speak 2 languages with me and is someone who I can look up to.

Cheer up! For the last week at Golden Gate. I have become great in dealing with different environment and fit in pretty well again. I should be proud of myself and not look down on myself.

I am food rich now! And I want to go see the big purse! Go Monkie! Study more and hopefully transferred inside out.


I am now living "in the company"! Welcome to Irvine!

Just moved to Irvine this weekend. Joe babe helped me carrying/moving and cleaning. It felt again kind of weird and scary when the moment of leaving finally came. He hugged me after the almost-not-seen frustration, assured me we are not that far away from each other, I drove to my new place by myself around 10pm.

The driving feels different without babe next to me. All of the sudden, my eyes seemed more sharp and senses got more tensed. Knowing that I won't get lost since Irvine is not a strange place to me, however, experiencing that "I-am-by-myself" feeling is still the special and interesting feelings mixed with cautions, unknown, dark and maturity.

I haven't met all the new roomies yet. Using lots of Joe babe's stuff makes me feel loved and safe. It is really luxurious to me too! I've never had so many furnitures of my own.

New life. New chapter. Not sure if I really will only stay there for half a year. If so, this is the count down day 181!