Mom Visit - IV

Joe planned whale-watching event at Dana Point. It was a early wake-up day and it was fun. When I saw the excitement emerged from mom's sparkling eyes, I immediately got the feeling that it's all worth it.

We had lots of common dolphins swimming and jumping besides the boat. Very cool experience. We then went to the Beach House for a late lunch. Not sure what made everything changed. It was a combination of seafood, oceanview and enjoyment.

Finally pick up my wedding dress. It was humongous. Now I need to figure out how to store it.

I kept having the feeling that I can not leave mom behind. I appreciated her doing everything for me. And the most important thing is to make her happy, not the codependent or pleasing kind, but just be happy.

I changed so fast.

Oh, and the Huntington is worth visiting.

Mom Visit - III

Defeated after two weeks. I guess I am going crazy. The most miserable thing is feeling torn inside. She is mean but at the same time still catches my attention. Part of me still longs for the caring from parents. Since dad's side is an already-closed, passed tense state, mom seems to be the only hope left. She became like a grumpy old woman. In front of her, babe became quiet too. I felt I am a big loser that the whole picture looks bad and broken. I just can't take it anymore.

Why is it so difficult? Why it always need to be the overwhelmingly heart-broken feeling? Is the fine broken pieces of heart still repairable?

What is my part? that I failed to practice the small and soft yet powerful voice? that I failed to make her feel safe? that I demonstrated again that I will walk away?

I failed to call for a break in a peaceful way. I accused myself to be a loser. I hate family relationships- the one that hurts you the most, but also the one that makes you wanted the most.

Mom Visit - II





Mom Visit - I




拆了耳機,遁進廁所,我又再一次被影響了。練習不要自己鑽進死胡同,練習遇到事情上帝是第一個被我知會的。「他是因為害怕和不知所措吧。」我圈點這個結論,雖然不知道到時候走紅毯怎麼辦,之前禱告的有一個 civilized talk 怎麼實現,不過上帝把拔愛我是真的。緊緊抓住這個。



Wedding preparation III Premarital Counseling

Every Wednesday night is our premarital counseling appointment. We have been through half of them and have talked about several areas and issues we should anticipate in marriages. We had our second fight after being engaged this week prior to going to counseling. Joe tried to make up and talked through it before hand, but I was still stubborn.

Extended family, communication and conflict resolution are all issues related to this fight. We gradually unfolded the point till we get to the detail really closely. Joe put my reactions into words really well while he described what he saw in me. My feeling aspect was puzzled with his intention and his behaviors according to my interpretation. It's like a trapped and stuck corner where the definition of love has been redefined. Therefore, love does not look that great any more. Joe said he does not want me suffer and stuff everything inside of me. He wants me and invites me to tell him everything. Bring up things in my perspective and check with him what was going on at his side.

After the session, I tried to tell Joe the minor issues happened before just to practice answering his invitation of letting him know what happened inside of me. I felt his strong and safe arms around me hugging me really tight. I listened to his clarification and explanation of the meaning of love. All of the sudden, I got an epiphany. This man, standing right here, is offering me something that I have dreamed about demanding from people who "claims" to love me. He has seen my past, and understand where I come from. However, he embraced me as who I am and is willing to go beyond to care about me and being extra sensitive to me. I guess I finally grasp that is a sacrificing love- a love that put the other person's interest before his own.

Just to keep a record of the feeling safe and assured from him.

Father-figure visit

Highlight of the day is Reggie knocked on my door this afternoon!

Looking up from my file folders, I jumped up to give him a big hug! Reggie is here again! We chatted during his short break of this Dmiv intensive class. Talked about the wedding and he promises to come! Hooray!

Reggie was my professor and big boss when I was in Golden Gate. Loved that he mentioned about the diversity of our environment and group and how he grew up being comfortable around people who are different from him. Looking back, he is probably one of the few people that have no bias or preconceived idea about other ethnic groups, and even not have any victim mentality for his own ethnic group. (or at least I did not sense anything). He was very encouraging while being the adviser of my independent study debriefing my paper with me. However, the most touching experience I had was when I am leaving Golden Gate, having financial problems, he talked to me, listened to me and showed great compassion to me. That was probably the first time I got a big hug from him.

Later we met when I first went to Fuller. He and Victor joked about how I betrayed Golden Gate and came here. It was a big surprise to see him on campus again today. Hope he will have great time in his last required class for his degree! Way to go! Doctor!


今天天空很藍。寫了兩篇reading log,有完成任務的成就感。


Wedding preparation II + week 9 murmur

Got wedding date changed again. Big bummer!

It took me couple nights to letting go that my dearest friends won't be able to make it and looking forward to have mimi there to be "my old friend". Now it needs to change again. I've noticed when things got changed or became not satisfactory, I have the feeling of not want to care about anything. No good dates to get married, so why get married? even.

It must have something to do with the expectations and trust and the disappointments altogether. And I find I don't really know that I have confidence in the unfamiliar countries.

Week 9. Got the sexuality class midterm back. Didn't get all As. Disappointed. The answers are not enough. It feels like all the efforts were not enough. Even wanted to look external for excuses.

Felt: abandoned. Thought: knew it's going to happen again. processing conclusion: when negative emotions come up, he will get frustrated, mad and leave.

Got dress finalized. Guilty about the cost. Friend said he really treasures you. I am released and confident to have him take care of you now.