Father-figure visit

Highlight of the day is Reggie knocked on my door this afternoon!

Looking up from my file folders, I jumped up to give him a big hug! Reggie is here again! We chatted during his short break of this Dmiv intensive class. Talked about the wedding and he promises to come! Hooray!

Reggie was my professor and big boss when I was in Golden Gate. Loved that he mentioned about the diversity of our environment and group and how he grew up being comfortable around people who are different from him. Looking back, he is probably one of the few people that have no bias or preconceived idea about other ethnic groups, and even not have any victim mentality for his own ethnic group. (or at least I did not sense anything). He was very encouraging while being the adviser of my independent study debriefing my paper with me. However, the most touching experience I had was when I am leaving Golden Gate, having financial problems, he talked to me, listened to me and showed great compassion to me. That was probably the first time I got a big hug from him.

Later we met when I first went to Fuller. He and Victor joked about how I betrayed Golden Gate and came here. It was a big surprise to see him on campus again today. Hope he will have great time in his last required class for his degree! Way to go! Doctor!

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