Life stories

It has always been lifestory-telling that makes people become closer. People get to know each other more by sharing things that we learn lessons from. It may be painful during that time, but you definitely see life has been changed after going through those sufferings.

Denny's. Late yesterday.

It was unexpecting that those painful thing being shared. I can only sat there listening. Couldn't do much but prayed quietly inside my heart for him. Watching tears dropped from the eyes, I wish things weren't that hard for him. However, as we laughed about, God maybe just laughed and smiled when he was doing that prayer. God always cares.

Those who sow in tears will reap with shouts of joy.
Though one goes along weeping, carrying the bag of seed,
he will surely come back with shouts of joy, carrying his sheaves.
(Psa 126:5-6 HCSB)

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